


2006 May Day in Denver


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People holding Mexican Flags, American Flags and immigration banners




The first of May is probably the most twisted holiday in western tradition. From a spring carnival celebrated by pagan Celts through a century of Первомай marches to the recent observation of the Day of Saint Joseph the Laborer .
On May Day of 2006, some one million people were quickly and skillfully manipulated into joining in the demonstrations in a few U.S. cities. An estimated 70,000 of them showed up in the Denver's Civic Park.
The face value of the crowds was a response to the anti-immigration motions in the legislature; but more than likely, it was a demonstration of the might of the political powers masterminding the events.
On that day at the Denver rally, nobody recalled the Celts, nor Trotsky, nor a carpenter. New people will create new icons.
Record of synesthetic memory